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January 09, 2023 5 min read

The best button-down shirts are hard for athletes to come by, but we’ve created one easy place where you can learn about what’s best for your body type. 

We’ll link you to the best options as well, so you don’t have to go searching around.

TAILORED ATHLETE offers clothing designed by athletes, for athletes. We’ve put in the time to understand what you’re looking for, and designed a range of clothing that will be the answer to all your problems. 

So, how is your body different? What do you need from a shirt that you’re not currently getting? We cover all this and more below.

What this article covers:

How Is an Athlete’s Body Different?

best button down athletic shirts

As an athlete, your body is different from the regular Joe's. You’ve enhanced some of your natural features through hard work and dedication. You need clothes that will highlight the results of your efforts.

Your shoulders are wider and overall larger. Your chest is also larger. This is because as you work your pecs through chest workouts, that muscle group becomes stronger and grows. 

You’ve also got much larger upper arms than most. Both your biceps and triceps increase in size when you work your upper arms, so you’re going to need a shirt that accommodates that extra space in the sleeves.

Your forearms are also larger, so those skinny sleeves you see on most shirts just won’t cut it. Your arms are going to rip the seams apart if you don’t size up, which can be a nightmare.

Because of the differences in body shape, you need to pay attention to the differences between athletic and fitted fit dress shirts. This is where TAILORED ATHLETE comes in. We have a selection of the best dress shirts for athletic men and bodybuilders that take your extra muscle mass into account.

What Do Athletes Need in a Shirt?

You need a shirt that’s optimized for athletic bodies, and we don’t mean lanky, skinny athletic bodies. We’re only looking at button-down shirts for muscular, athletic men. 

The proportions of your body are different, and you need a shirt that honors those differences instead of forcing you to squash yourself into an unsuitable cut.

The best athletic cut dress shirts should, therefore, take into account the various differences in body types and account for them.

best athletic button down shirt

So what exactly will feel good to wear? Let’s go through some attributes you should be looking for when purchasing a new shirt.

Clothing Designed With Mobility In Mind

Apart from shirts being cut in a way that takes your muscle mass into account, you’re also going to need your shirts to move with you.

Your lifestyle prioritizes moving your body, and this doesn’t stop when you leave the gym. Whether you’re at work or at home, we bet you’re always moving around and keeping busy.

It’s difficult to find dress shirts that prioritize mobility. They’re usually pretty stiff by nature, as they need to look fitted and formal. 

This doesn’t mean it has tofeel stiff though. When made with the right cotton blend, your shirt can look tailored, while feeling comfortable and being easy to move around in. 

If mobility is particularly important to you, take a look at these dress shirts for bodybuilders. They’re made with a little extra stretch, and you’ll find them super comfortable.

Comfort Above All Else

Alongside being easy to move around, your button-down shirts should be comfortable. An important part of comfort is temperature regulation. 

This is where breathable material blends become important. Because you move around a lot, you sweat. It’s natural.

best button down athletic shirt

Cheap fabric blends don’t allow for this sweat to dissipate. It blocks it from exiting the fabric fibers. This is because these blends are high in polyester, which is actually just a type of plastic. You don’t want to be wearing clothing made entirely of polyester.

Breathable blends allow the sweat to evaporate throughout the day, as it would naturally if you weren’t wearing a shirt at all. This helps your body to regulate its temperature, as it cools the surface of the skin.

So, What Are My Options?

Luckily for you, we’ve designed the best dress shirts for an athletic build like yours. We spent years doing research; interviewing thousands of athletes to understand exactly what your needs are. 

We ended up with a cut that has made tens of thousands of customers happy. It’s become a closet staple for so many, and for good reason!

All the problems listed above are addressed in our designs. We prioritize not only the cut, but also choosing the best material blends for your needs. We made sure our shirts are available in a few blends so you can pick the best ones for cooler and warmer weather.

Lastly, we made sure they’ve got a lot of stretch in them, without compromising on their formal look. The result is thebest long sleeve athletic shirt for athletes.

We know that once you try these, you’ll never go back to struggling with regular shirts ever again.

Muscle Fit Shirts

best athletic button-down shirt

In line with our vision to raise the standard of traditional shirts, we created a new cut for our shirts: the True Muscle Fit. 

These allow for broader chests and shoulders. We’ve also made sure they include added space for your upper and lower arms, so that there’s no bursting out of the seams. 

You also won’t need to switch up your sizing at all. We know that when you buy shirts in a regular store, you usually need to size up once or twice for your muscles to fit into your shirts properly.

We’ve also tailored the shirt to fit your lean torso. When you wear our shirts, you’ll always look polished and presentable.

Our True Muscle Fit button-down shirts have premium 4-way stretch performance fabrics that contour the clothes around your body. Finally, clothes that fit you comfortably without hiding your body behind a sheet of cloth. 

 best athletic button-down shirts

You can also check out our athletic-fit stretch dress pants to round out your wardrobe.

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